“People aren’t logical they are psychological with the emphasis on the psycho.” — Howard Rankin, Power Talk: The Art of Effective Communication

I Think Therefore I Am Wrong
In this podcast Dr Howard Rankin, author of the book I Think Therefore I Am Wrong and a leading cynical psycholojest, interviews experts and influencers and explores the myths, false beliefs and binary thinking that dominate in their areas of expertise and how that manifests in practice that can be detrimental or even disastrous.
Dr. Rankin brings humor to even the most important subjects and in his interviews with influencers, some of whom are real.
Howard’s quote of the week
“I have no time for people who don’t practice patience.”
What they are saying
“The John Cleese of cognitive neuroscience.” — Gary Marino, Talent agent
“Howard is the best stand-up comedian in the serious subject of health.” — Keith Rogers, a former VP of corporate affairs at a Fortune 500 company.
“Humor is just a funny way of being serious.” — Peter Ustinov
“Howard Rankin is a master communicator.” — Harold Watson, former Executive Director of MADD SC.
“Please! Can somebody else listen to him!” – Mrs. Rankin
Post of the week..

How Not To Think about… Nutrition with Dr David Katz
How Not To Think about…Predictions with Grant Renier, President of Intuality, Predictive Analytics
How Not to Think about..Weight loss with Barbara Cady, Former President and current advisor to TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly).
How Not To Think about…New Year’s Resolutions with Ivor Gotten, Gung Ho, Keiran Now, and Av Anotha amongst others.
How Not To Think about…Cancer with Johann Ilgenfritz
How Not To Think about…Bullying with Dr. Israel Kahlman
Coming very soon!
How Not To Think about…Wisdom with Ivor Gotten, Gung Ho, Keiran Now, and Av Anotha amongst others.
How Not To Think about…Dementia with Drs Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, authors of the Alzheimer’s Solution.
How Not To Think about …Pain with Jeff Frankart, Military Physical Therapist and creator of the NGPS system
Where to find the podcast